New single from VAK!

VAK continue to challenge and intrigue with their fourth, and most lengthy single so far.

With Bodies, VAK drags you on a journey into the deepest and most obscure corners of the human dissociative mind, where reality meet dreams. To a place where your habits are patterns paved for you and not by you.

If we act by impulse and routine, where is the free will?
Do we react to nature, or are we merely subject to it?

Melodic - yet devastatingly heavy, and fueled by riffs, powerful drums and an enchanting and electrifying energy, Bodies make up a truly a theatrical and vibrant soundscape and truly full fill VAK´s role as a modern and progressive sludge band.

 It is a 7-minute-long song that seem to pass in 3.
Join in on the day-dream that drag you through these long summer nights.

FFO: Devin Townsend, Kanaan, Motorpsycho, Conan, Monolord, Indian

VAK states:
“The song ‘Bodies’ is about how the city is a platform for managing and controlling the population, as the masses of bodies. In this view, city planning is about transporting human flesh and livestock smoothly. But what kind of blockage or blood clot would be needed? And what would it sound like? Maybe like the end riff of this song.”

Tobias Alpadie – Guitars
Anders Bartonek – Drums
Patrik Engström – Guitars
Jesper Skarin – Bass, Vocals
Robin Skarin - Keyboards

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