It is with an immense honor we can confirm that folk rock band Gåte won the Norwegian Eurovision final!
Gåte comment:
“It is really amazing to see all the support for us and Ulveham! Thank you so much for giving us your vote! Our mission has always been to shine a light on the amazingly rich treasures of folklore and traditional music from Norway. This gives us the best opportunity to show them to the world!”

With Gunnhild’s powerful vocals and a mesmerizing live performance, Ulveham, has unleashed an avalanche of positive feedback worldwide. With their captivating blend of traditional folk and modern rock, this unique cultural gem was quickly crowned favorites by the Norwegian press.
Ulveham has clearly stirred up something fundamental in souls across borders and generations, calling forth an inner primal strength.
The performance is also an astonishing portrayal of raw female energy where Gunnhild Sundli excels in her role as lead vocalist.
The song itself is based on a thousand year old tale of ” Møya i Ulveham”, where a young maiden undergoes a series of injustices, but by upholding justice and goodness, even in the toughest trials, she triumphs over evil forces and breaks the curse placed upon her.