In a year where we all had to keep a distance, Erlend Ropstad found a way to come closer to his audience. The planned Oct tour with a full band turned into a one-man tour. For the first time, he performed stripped-down alternative version of his repertoire during 22 concerts in 19 days in Norway. Most of the songs were taped and recorded, and 10 selected tracks are now on the album «Året Som Er Over Nå» (Eng.: The Year That Is Over Now).
The album is now out on White Vinyl, Black Vinyl and CD.
Available now at the TIGER WEBSHOP
Erlend Ropstad has a unique connection with his audience. His songs about love and politics could just as well be looked at as small books of history in 30 years’ time, as his ability to catch the present in his songs are on point and described in a way only Erlend Ropstad can. The level of his songwriter skills is sky-high, resulting in nominations and awards for most of his releases. Musically, he has become a heavier artist since the beginning, and is now one of the major Rock artists in Norway. In 2019, the Norwegian newspaper Dagsavisen wrote «Erlend Ropstad makes you think that Rock was invented in the south of Norway». His music can be described as heart-breaking, real, and dark, but also including some stories of hope.
For 15 years, Erlend Ropstad has built his career as an artist step by step. Described as solid and colossal, Ropstad has gone from supporter slots in Norway and Europe, to performing on small club scenes, and after over a hundred concerts, he sold-out bigger venues and played at the biggest Norwegian festival, Øya. From the performance at Øya, Norwegian newspaper Klassekampen wrote «It was emotional to witness yet another chapter of Erlend Ropstads’ career on his road to truly master rock. He is ready for the stadium stages».
In 2019, Ropstad was awarded the Prøysenprisen (award of honour in Norway), and his release «Brenn Siste Brevet» (Eng.: Burn the last letter), was awarded the best album of the year in the highly acclaimed list made by 50 journalists for the newspaper Dagsavisen. His music has also appeared in movies and on TV-adverts, both in Norway and abroad. His proper breakthrough came when he started to write all his songs in Norwegian, resulting in much praise, which we still haven’t been able to compare to any other artist in Norway. All albums from this point on, scored 5 or 6 out of 6 on all reviews, and all were nominated for a Norwegian Grammy Spellemann. In 2020, a play was set up at the National Theatre combining his songs and poems from Nils-Øyvind Haagensen. With Erlend Ropstad as one of the performers on stage, they put up the premier in February followed by 10 critically acclaimed shows before the lockdown.
Erlend Ropstad is without a doubt one of the most important and great artist from Norway, and we are greatly looking forward to hearing what’s next in his discography.
Track list:
- Natta som er over nå
- Før det er for sent
- Det store blå
- Brenn siste brevet
- En fin dag
- Maria
- Før satt vi oppe helt til morgenen
- Her om natta
- Vise om Sverige
- Den eneste
Erlend Ropstad: Producer, lyrics, composer and musician on all tracks
Technicians are Mads Størkersen and Jørgen Moe Eikås
Mix by Øystein Frantzvåg in Nabolaget
Master by Espen Høydalsvik in Oslo Fuzz
Photo and design by Marthe Amanda Vannebo
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