KING are finally out with their highly anticipated and already critically acclaimed sophomore album “Coldest of Cold” today! The melodic black metal trio from Australia is a force to be reckoned with!


king coldest of cold
Listen to the album in its entirety HERE!



“…Stuffed with precisely calibrated neck-wreckers, hooks that could land Moby Dick and riffs that will leave you like an arctic cat chasing a laser beam, Coldest Of Cold – (…) - still proudly wears its influences on its sleeve, but attains the kind of triumphant peaks only the most seasoned and determined traveller can reach...” - Metal Hammer, UK (Read the entire article HERE)

KING have spent the last two years painstakingly writing Coldest Of Cold with supreme focus and vision on forging black metal of the most monumental scale. As evidenced on their debut album Reclaim The Darkness, KING have a master’s grasp on creating music that evokes the scathing and pristine art of their forebears, such as Immortal and Satyricon. They inject it with even more triumphant melodic elements and dynamics, giving it an immense musical and emotional scope. Coldest Of Cold takes that initial statement of intent and expands on it. No less grandiose and magnificent. With this album, KING have looked into the heart of darkness and delivered a truly savage and callous piece of work, even more richly evocative and transportive. With a stronger drive toward gripping hooks and charging choruses, none of the subtlety and nuance has been sacrificed. The melodies and composition of these new songs are still carrying the beauty and awe of Reclaim The Darkness, but the emotional journey delves deeper into the bleak abyss while never forsaking the reverence of nature and the veneration of the spirit…

Order CD or LP:


Band Members: Vocals - Tony Forde Guitar - David Hill Drums - David Haley

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