"Heavy, brutal and varied album that should put its marks in the genre for many years to come" - 9/10 Metal Hammer Norway
“NIDINGR are creating their very own vision of Norwegian Black/Death!” – Rock Hard Germany 8,5/10
“…brilliant composition & production..truly unique and pleasant musical experience.” – No Clean Singing
"Fans of Enslaved, Ulver and Mayhem should definitely check out this album! There is plenty to discover!" - Aardschok (NL), 79/100
“… we are talking about a remarkable work …that will leave you as frozen (in the good sense of the term) as the forests of their country.” - 8,5/10 – Queens Of Steel (E)
“An album of great quality that won't disappoint any follower of the band or black metal in general!" – 8,8/10 Necromance (E)
“…This is the real deal.” - 8/10 Abysmal Hymns
“You need “The High Heat Licks Against Heaven”!” - 5,5/6 Eternal Terror, NO
Already back in 1992 Teloch started the then solo-project that eventually would turn into Nidingr. Teloch is known to be a genius when it comes to black metal composing and has among other written the last Mayhem album and the music for the play Mor Courage at The Norwegian Theatre by request (also a black metal composition).
In 1995 Blargh joined in and Nidingr became a reality. Together they recorded numerous demo´s before enlisting singer El.Cpt.Estrella Grasa to their ranks. The trio released the first Nidingr full length in 2005 titled "Sorrow Infinite and Darkness", followed up by their first gig ever supporting Mayhem at the Rockefeller in Oslo. In 2010 Nidinger went on to release "Wolf-Father" featuring Hellhammer from Mayhem on drums. Hellhammer also featured in the live lineup for some shows before Øyvind Myrvoll joined the band.
Nidingr released their fourth album in 2017, titled "The High Heat Licks Against Heaven", an album drenched in Norse mythology, and names from the younger and older Edda appears throughout in the lyrics. The album drifts in the middle of black and death metal, but with the Norse theme it creates a unique and fresh breath of sound. To put it mildly, this is a brutal and honest metal record.
The album was being worked on intensely for two years, where they took a deep dive into the old English translations of the older and younger Edda from the 18th century. They are continuously striving towards authenticity and shapes the music partly around the theme and the text material, which in broad terms talks about the great and classical themes like death, afterlife, war and the many majestic personalities from the mythology. The band states that in a thematic world like this they have chosen to take a more theatrical approach to their material. In addition, it is relevant to mention that they wrote the text material and music separately and sculpted them together in the meeting of those two afterwards.
The songs are characterized by heavy riffs in a glassy but dirty sound, with at times some melodies with melancholic atmospheres, steady tempi with an almost marching undertone. The vocals hangs on in the top of the sound wall with a drive, power and quality one rarely hears. With Cpt.Estrella Grasa on vocals, Destructhor (Myrkskog, Morbid Angel) and Teloch on guitars (Gorgoroth, God Seed, Mayhem, 1349), Myrvoll on drums and SIR (Gaahls Wyrd, Gorgoroth, God Seed) on bass, the music is shaped to a monolith of an album in an unmitigated an authentic style.
The previous album Greatest Of Deceivers gained great reviews:
6/6 - Metalzone.dk
6/6 - Norskmetal.net
10/10 - The grim tower
10/10 - Empyre-mag.de
9/10 - Metal-temple
9/10 - Hitthefloor.com
9/10 - Musikknyheter.no
9/10 - Deathdomain
5/6 - Østlendingen
5/6 - Bergens Tiende : "...Nidingr låter massivt og rått."
5/6 - Dagsavisen
5/6 - Gaffa
5/6 - Nordische Musik
4/5 - Skullsnbones.com
8,5/10 - The Washington Times: "It's a beast worth hunting down".
"Another impressive album coming out of Norway, like you expected any less." - Metalgigs.co.uk