Swedish Knogjärn (Eng.: Knuckle-duster) is the in-your-face kind of Hard Rock, kicking ass from the very start. This is music that makes you want to crack open a beer, turn the volume to 11 and rock ‘til you f***ing drop.
Knogjärn’s upcoming album "BLY" is, as the name suggests (bly is Swedish for lead), their heaviest album to date, packed with deliciously brutal metal that tears at both soul and ears.
“BLY” is an album full of contrasts. An album where pounding basslines meet playful guitar riffs, and where the lyrics are infused with a mischievous irony while at the same time addressing serious themes such as loneliness, grief, and anger.
Through their songs, Knogjärn encourages the listeners to take control of their own lives and make conscious choices for the future. In a chaotic and overexposed world dominated by unrest, it’s easy to just follow the herd. For Knogjärn, it’s crucial to be aware of one’s actions and the consequences they might bring, and they encourage their listeners to think and take action.
Throughout their career, Knogjärn has become known for their unique blend of melodic hard rock and aggressive metalcore. The band has an exceptional ability to balance the brutal with the melodic, giving their songs a depth that appeals to both the mind and the heart.
Whether it’s a deafening wall of sound or a more subtle, emotionally charged passage – they ensure that every riff, scream, and beat leaves a lasting impression. The result is an album filled with an explosive mix of raw energy and emotional weight that have earned them a steadily growing base of dedicated fans.
"BLY" has no specific lyrical theme or concept, but the band has drawn inspiration from contemporary tragedies and conflicts, personal experiences, and – not least – humanity’s boundless stupidity." – Knogjärn
Markus Hurtig – Guitar
Rasmus Sörbom – Bass
Johan Hidén – Drums
Våldet i ditt Paradis (Eng: The Violence in Your Paradise)
Marscherar och Förstör (Eng: March and Destruct)
Stora och Farliga (Eng: Big and Dangerous)
Kvarlevor (Single collection, Eng: Remains)
Stora och Farliga (Re-release with new bonus track)
Tungrott (Eng: Tongue Rot)
Mera Bedövning (Eng: More Anesthesia)
BLY (Eng: Lead)