KING, an unfaltering and melancholic blackened metal force - keeping the spirit of old while carving a new path, epic while remaining raw, majestic while retaining a primitive atmosphere.
KING came into existence in 2013 with founding members Dave Hill and Tony Forde, working to forge a sound that captured the essence of old whilst showing glimmers of a new path. After finishing the pre-production for their debut album, "Reclaim the darkness", in their own studio, drummer Dave Haley joined the line up to complete King. He took the demos to Crawl Space studio where he spent the following weeks working, arranging and recording the final drum parts for the album. In the following weeks the final guitars bass and vocals were completed.
Tony Forde on their debut album:
"We're extremely excited with the way the recording and mixing of the album has turned out, Joseph at Crawl Space managed to capture the true essence of King throughout the entire process. The album mastering was taken care of by Thomas Eberger who has worked with bands such as Gorgoroth, Darkane, I and Symphony X and we are blown away by the finished product."
Members of KING:
Tony Forde – Vocals
David Hill – Guitar
David Haley – Drums
David Hill – Guitar
David Haley – Drums