For Faen reviews:
4,5/5 -" A blackened thrash assault of epic proportions."
8,5/10 - The Ringmaster
5/6 - "To sum the review up, I have a small request in Norwegian: Kjøp skiva FOR FAEN!"
The crimson tide rise again! And this time it comes across as more ferocious and devastating than ever before! Blood Tsunami's new album "For Faen" shows a band that has stripped their metal to the bone. Harder, meaner, dirtier and way more aggressive! This album is a relentless sonic beating. The songs are thrown at you, one by one, with an infernal speed that threathens to rip off chunks of flesh from your whole upper body. Rampant dogs is jumping out of your loudspeakers, daggers and bullets comes at you like a wall of horizontal rain. This is metal the way it was meant to be. Totally vicious and utterly dangerous!